Foam trays exclusive for the C-ROC Cruiser!

Feldherr Figurecases, Custom Foam, Miniature Transport
Foam trays exclusive for the C-ROC Cruiser!
Out Now! Space saving tray for Star Wars X-WING Imperial Raider, Imperial Assault Carrier, Lambda-class Shuttle and Upsilon-class Shuttle ?
Really nice small foam for XWING C-ROC! ? ? #starwars #xwing #xwingminiatures #tabletop #foam #insert #feldherr #boardgame #boardgames #tabletop #ffg
Out Now! Foam tray value set for Runewars Miniatures Game board game box ? ? ? #boardgame #boardgames #bgg
Coming soon: full-size trays for Runewars. ? ? #boardgame #boardgames #bgg #boardgamegeek #juegodemesa #brettspiel #tabletop #ffg #fantasyflight #fantasyflightgames #runewars
Shop now??Foam for Runewars! ? ?? ? ? #boardgame #boardgames #bgg #boardgamegeek #juegodemesa #brettspiel #tabletop #ffg #fantasyflight #fantasyflightgames #runewars