Zombicide: Green Horde

Your Zombies needs foam!

The Zombicide: Green Horde Kickstarter Pledge arrived us and we immediately started to design the foams.

Our foam tray set for Zombicide: Green Horde is the perfect transport solution for all miniatures and game components of the official Zombicide: Green Horde core box. The set contains two trays and one foam topper. All the foams fit exactly in the board game box. With this foam set, your miniatures are securely protected, your game material is well-ordered and easy to transport.

This tray has 68 slots. The 54 square slots are specially designed for Orc Walkers and Orc Runners. The 14 other slots are developed for Orc Fatties and the Orc Necromancer.

This foam inlay has 14 slots. The six smaller slots are for Survivor Miniatures. Three slots are for cards and three for tokens. One slot is specially designed for the Trebuchet and the other is for the Orc Abomination. The big compartment is made for the Board Tiles.

Get the Set here!

Some new pictures:


The transport solution for the complete Zombicide: Green Horde Kickstarter Pledge is still in progress.
Further information will follow.